Thursday 11 November 2010

Boycott Amazon For Selling Pedophile Guide. Part II is a support child predators!

Why facebook is very well for anythings? Other not, like child predators in Faceporno...
Entrevista WRadio Colombia con el autor Philip Greaves
Ironic.... Facebook group
Fuente: Digital 

Boycott Amazon!

La venta de un e-book en la web de venta online Amazon que presuntamente defiende la pedofilia está siendo objeto de polémica, según informa la CNN.
El título del e-book en cuestión es The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lover's Code of Conduct (La Guía del Pedófilo para el Amor y el Placer: un código de conducta para los amantes de los niños). Su título ya lo dice todo.
El propio autor, llamado Phillip R. Greaves II, describe en Amazon que con este libro "intenta más seguras para los menores las situaciones de pedofilia en la que se ven involucrados, estableciendo ciertas reglas a seguir para los adultos".
"Espero conseguir esto apelando a la mejor naturaleza de los pedosexuales (sic), con la esperanza de que haciendo esto haya menos odio".
Los comentarios contra el e-book y su autor han encendido Amazon. La mayor parte de ellos ha llamado a boicotear la página web de venta online. El enlace a la página donde se vende el e-book ya no funciona en estos momentos.
Boycott AMAZON.COM Part I
The History
Loren Robb, boylover arrested, child predator, child pornographer, child abuser; he was manager Boyzoom (deleted) pederast and child pornographers; in (boylover net 2009) he was a member staff (servers captured by ICE, federal autorities), in Loren Robb is a "king"?
Garth Skovgard Copyright/Trademark Agent when you delete this web site Kolya?
Today the child predator Loren Robb's space in
Yesterday this web was other, today say: Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available.
But, the space of Loren Robb does not have to be! zero tolerance!
This is a poor book and stupid history all mediocrity about a siberian boy (child prostitution?)
In describes his protected Loren Robb:
About the Author
In a career that has spanned journalism, photography, design, music, and television production, Loren Robb has spent a good deal of time traveling the planet, with a strong personal interest in cultures other than his own. A lifelong intermittent partnership with New Zealand cinematographer Malcolm Ferguson spawned the documentary series Icebreaker: Life in the Soviet Union, produced between 1986 and 1989 across the breadth of the then USSR. It was a ground-breaking production, spanning the entire breadth of the world's largest country to bring the West a personal look at the daily lives of diverse families within the Russian domain. It was the first production ever to be granted full editorial freedom by Soviet authorities, and both Loren and Malcolm were made cultural ambassadors for their country as a result. Loren now owns an internet design business, but remains enthusiastic about the movie industry he has spent his life in. He lives on the Pacific coast of northern New Zealand.
Gruvin accomplice:

E-mail from web site support boylover amazon about our question when Loren Robb's web page in turnkey was deleted:
From: Copyright Agent
Date: 2009/12/1
Subject: Re: About Child Pornographer in Amazon Fwd: Deleted web child porn Loren Robb
To: "joshua"
Hi Joshua:
Thank you for providing this additional information. The title you identified appears to be a legitimately published and distributed work, and there is no indication that it is child pornography. I understand that you feel very strongly about this issue.
As a retailer, our goal is to provide customers with the broadest selection possible so they can find, discover, and buy any item they might be seeking. That selection includes some items which many people may find objectionable. Therefore, the items offered on our website represent a wide spectrum of opinions on a variety of topics.
Let me assure you that does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts; we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions. believes it is censorship not to sell certain titles because we believe their message is objectionable. Therefore, we'll continue to make controversial works available in the United States and everywhere else, except where they're prohibited by law. We also allow readers, authors, and publishers to express their views freely about these titles and other products we offer on our website. However, doesn't endorse opinions expressed by individual authors, musical artists, or filmmakers.
We value all feedback from our customers, and I thank you again for taking the time to send us your comments about this issue. Although we won't be able to comment further on this topic, we hope you'll allow us to continue to serve you.

Garth Skovgard
Copyright/Trademark Agent
Polémica por la venta en Amazon de un e-book pro-pedofilia
Today the web site:

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